Sometimes I myself will see a thread online about a business and how their performance has been over a certain period of time, quite often with a thought of 'I don't care about any of this' following shortly thereafter. However, it just so happens that me, who has absolutely nothing to do with the business that I'm reading about, should have more of an Interest after all.
But why should I care if it's not my business?
Without feeling the need to be better than their competitors, businesses would feel no desire or need to develop their products and themselves. We as a society would not be surrounded by such technological advances. Imagine a hypothetical scenario were Apple never had competitors (i.e Samsung did not exist), they would likely not have released the iPhone 13. The reason there have been at least 13 versions of the iPhone is because any time there is a new one released Samsung release one new phone of their own to keep up, if they did not exist, it would be likely that the we wouldn't have reached the iPhone five at this point.
A business run by competitive people at the top will see that they never miss an opportunity to improve on what they develop, and even when they complete a project they begin on the next one immediately, so long as they feel a slight threat that they may fall behind to their competitor. So in short, the consumer benefits from a highly competitive business that wants to remain on top of their competitors, when a rival business releases a product better the other business will see that they need to win their customer base back over, this leads to the development of something better for the public, which is a huge reason why you should care about the competitiveness in businesses.
The competitive mindset is the beginning of the process which has seen our society grow. Developments in all areas stem from a small group of people wanting to be better than the other and as a result have given us our hobbies and interests which are now our necessities to who we are.
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